Major tourist destinations such as the Yellowstone National Park, Hebgen Lake and the Old Faithful bGeyser/b are easily accessible from the bhotel/b. Activities such as hiking, fly-fishing and hunting can be enjoyed at the Gallatin National ...
One of our first stops was the bGeyser/b Basin. Here there were small geysers everywhere. The steam was so heavy and the snowfall was so heavy that you couldn't see the actual bases of the geysers. This was our first experience with ?hot spots . ... From the falls we went to Lake Village where the historic Lake Yellowstone bHotel/b is located. This was built in the 1920s and is on the Register of Historic Buildings, being the oldest standing bhotel/b in Yellowstone. ...
... taken at the Midway bGeyser/b Basin. So many different textures & colors combined with the steam rising from the landscape really makes these thermal features feel like you're on another planet. Six days & counting to bvacation/b time!!!!